Ultimate Marvel Reading Order

Updated: January 4th, 2014

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The Complete Ultimate Marvel Reading Order

n nFrom Ultimate Spider-Man #1 to Cataclysm, below you will find the most complete reading order of Ultimate Marvel comics. For those of you who are new to this, the Ultimate line of comics was a reboot of the popular Marvel Universe in its own continuity, separate from the (still) ongoing “616” universe that began in 1963. May of these runs were highly regarded.

Spider-Man Series X-Men Series Ultimates / Avengers Series Other Series Events
CURRENT: Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man

  • Ultimate Spider-Man
  • Ultimate Six
  • Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
  • Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2nd series) – Miles Morales
  • Spider-Men
  • Ultimate X-Men
  • Ultimate Comics X-Men
  • Ultimate Comics X-Men (2nd series)
CURRENT: All-New Ultimates

  • Ultimates
  • Ultimates 2
  • Ultimate 3
  • Ultimate Comics Ultimates
  • Ultimate X-Men
  • Ultimate Comics X-Men
CURRENT: Ultimate FF

  • Ultimate Marvel Team-Up
  • Ultimate Fantastic Four
  • Ultimate Daredevil
  • Ultimate War
  • Ultimate Gah Lak Tus (Nightmare, Secret, Extinction)
  • Ultimatum
  • Cataclysm

Where to begin Reading Ultimate Comics?

The Ultimate line was touted as being new reader friendly, and it is.  The number of issues in this line is limited when compared to the 616 universe.  It can also be even more reduced if you focus on but one character or group (X-Men, Spider-Man or Ultimates/Avengers). Here are a few good jumping on points.

Where It All Started A Classic Story Recent New Character The Last Complete Run The Current Run
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man The Ultimates Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Divided We Fall, United We Stand Cataclysm

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How To Use the Ultimate Marvel Reading Order

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Filter the reading order to get the information you’re looking for: since we have data beyond the titles concerning creative teams, events, characters AND a great search feature, you can filter the reading order to follow a particular character, just find information regarding a certain crossover and much, much more. For the moment, this data in this reading order is lean, but if demand is strong we will add as much as we can in terms of creators and characters.

Complete Ultimate Marvel Read Order

Ultimate Spider-Man #1 BUY Power & Responsibility, 1st Peter, 1st May, 1st Ben, 1st MJ, 1st Harry, 1st Flash, 1st Kong, 1st Green Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #2 BUY Power & Responsibility, Peter, May, Ben, MJ, Harry, Flash, Kong, Green Goblin, 1st Ock
Ultimate Spider-Man #3 BUY Power & Responsibility, Peter, May, Ben, MJ, Harry, Flash, Kong, Green Goblin, Ock, 1st Crusher
Ultimate Spider-Man #4 BUY Power & Responsibility, Peter, May, Ben, MJ, Harry, Flash, Kong, Green Goblin, Ock, Crusher, 1st Liz, 1st Burglar
Ultimate Spider-Man #5 BUY Power & Responsibility, Peter, May, Ben, MJ, Harry, 1st Stacy, Green Goblin, Burglar
Ultimate Spider-Man #6 BUY Power & Responsibility, Peter, May, MJ, Flash, Kong, 1st Jonah, 1st Robbie, 1st Urich, 1st Betty, Green Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #7 BUY Power & Responsibility, Peter, May, MJ, Harry, Flash, Kong, Green Goblin
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #1 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #2 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #3 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #8 BUY Learning Curve, Peter, May, MJ, Flash, Kong, Jonah, Robbie, Urich, Betty, 1st Shocker, 1st Enforcers, 1st Ox,1st Fancy Dan, 1st Montana
Ultimate Spider-Man #9 BUY Learning Curve, Peter, May, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz, Jonah, 1st Kingpin, Enforcers, 1st Mr Big, Ox, Fancy dan, Montana
Ultimate Spider-Man #10 BUY Learning Curve, Peter, May, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz, Kingpin, 1st Electro, Mr Big, Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana
Ultimate Spider-Man #11 BUY Learning Curve, Peter, MJ, Flash, Kong, LIz, Kingpin, Electro, Enforcers, Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana
Ultimate Spider-Man #12 BUY Learning Curve, Peter, MJ, Jonah, Urich, Kingpin, Electro, Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana
Ultimate Spider-Man #13 BUY Learning Curve, Peter, May, MJ
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #4 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #5 BUY
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #1 BUY
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #2 BUY
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #3 BUY
Ultimate Daredevil and Elektra #4 BUY
Ultimate Elektra #1 BUY
Ultimate Elektra #2 BUY
Ultimate Elektra #3 BUY
Ultimate Elektra #4 BUY
Ultimate Elektra #5 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #6 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #7 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #8 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #1 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate X-Men #2 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate X-Men #3 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate X-Men #4 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate X-Men #5 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate X-Men #6 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate X-Men #1/2 BUY Tomorrow People
Ultimate Spider-Man #14 BUY Double Trouble. Peter, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz, 1st Gwen, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #15 BUY Double Trouble, Peter, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz, Gwen, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #16 BUY Double Trouble, Peter, Gwen, Jonah, Urich, Robbie, Betty, Doctor Octopus, 1st Kraven, 1st Hammer, Conners
Ultimate Spider-Man #17 BUY Double Trouble, Peter, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz, Gwen, Urich, Doctor Octopus, Kraven, Hammer, 1st Sandman
Ultimate Spider-Man #18 BUY Double Trouble, Peter, May, MJ, Doctor Octopus, Hammer
Ultimate Spider-Man #19 BUY Double Trouble, Peter, May, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz, Gwen, Betty, Doctor Octopus, Kraven, Hammer
Ultimate Spider-Man #20 BUY Double Trouble, Peter, MJ, Jonah, Robbie, Kraven, Doctor Octopus, Hammer
Ultimate Spider-Man #21 BUY Double Trouble, May, MJ, Urich, Kraven, Doctor Octopus, Hammer
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #9 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #10 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #11 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #12 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #13 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #14 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #15 BUY
Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #16 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #7 BUY Return to Weapon X
Ultimate X-Men #8 BUY Return to Weapon X
Ultimate X-Men #9 BUY Return to Weapon X
Ultimate X-Men #10 BUY Return to Weapon X
Ultimate X-Men #11 BUY Return to Weapon X
Ultimate X-Men #12 BUY Return to Weapon X
Ultimate X-Men #13 BUY You Always Remember Your First Love
Ultimate X-Men #14 BUY You Always Remember Your First Love
Ultimate X-Men #15 BUY A Different World IS Possible
Ultimate X-Men #16 BUY World Tour
Ultimate X-Men #17 BUY World Tour
Ultimate X-Men #18 BUY World Tour
Ultimate X-Men #19 BUY World Tour
Ultimate X-Men #20 BUY World Tour
The Ultimates #1 BUY Super Human
The Ultimates #2 BUY Super Human
The Ultimates #3 BUY Super Human
The Ultimates #4 BUY Super Human
The Ultimates #5 BUY Super Human
The Ultimates #6 BUY Super Human
Ultimate Spider-Man #22 BUY Legacy, Peter, May, MJ, Harry, Flash, Kong, Gwen, Green Goblin, 1st Miles
Ultimate Spider-Man #23 BUY Legacy, Peter, May, MJ, Harry, Gwen, Green Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #24 BUY Legacy, Peter, May, MJ, Harry, Green Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #25 BUY Legacy, Peter, MJ, Green Goblin, Miles
Ultimate Spider-Man #26 BUY Legacy, Peter, MJ, Harry, Fury, Green Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #27 BUY Legacy, Peter, MJ, Harry, Fury, Green Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special #1 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #28 BUY Public Scrutiny, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Flash, 1st Rhino, Iron Man
Ultimate Spider-Man #29 BUY Public Scrutiny, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Captain Stacy, Jonah, Urich, Robbie, Betty
Ultimate Spider-Man #30 BUY Public Scrutiny, Peter, May, MJ
Ultimate Spider-Man #31 BUY Public Scrutiny, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Wasp, Captain Stacy, 1st DeWolfe, Jonah, Urich, Robbie
Ultimate Spider-Man #32 BUY Public Scrutiny, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen
The Ultimates #7 BUY Homeland Security
The Ultimates #8 BUY Homeland Security
The Ultimates #9 BUY Homeland Security
The Ultimates #10 BUY Homeland Security
The Ultimates #11 BUY Homeland Security
The Ultimates #12 BUY Homeland Security
The Ultimates #13 BUY Homeland Security
Ultimate Spider-Man #33 BUY Venom, Peter, May, Gwen, 1st Brock
Ultimate Spider-Man #34 BUY Venom, Peter, MJ, Gwen, Liz, Brock, 1st Venom
Ultimate Spider-Man #35 BUY Venom, Peter, MJ, Shocker, Venom
Ultimate Spider-Man #36 BUY Venom, Peter, Gwen, Brock, Venom
Ultimate Spider-Man #37 BUY Venom, Peter, MJ, Venom
Ultimate Spider-Man #38 BUY Venom, Peter, Brock, Venom
Ultimate Spider-Man #39 BUY Venom, Peter, Fury, Conners
Ultimate X-Men #21 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate X-Men #22 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate X-Men #23 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate X-Men #24 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate X-Men #25 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate X-Men #26 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate X-Men #27 BUY Hellfire and Brimstone
Ultimate War #1 BUY
Ultimate War #2 BUY
Ultimate War #3 BUY
Ultimate War #4 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #28 BUY Return of the King
Ultimate X-Men #29 BUY Return of the King
Ultimate X-Men #30 BUY Return of the King
Ultimate X-Men #31 BUY Return of the King
Ultimate X-Men #32 BUY Return of the King
Ultimate X-Men #33 BUY Return of the King
Ultimate Spider-Man #40 BUY Irresponsible, Peter, MJ, Gwen, Liz, Flash, 1st Geldoff
Ultimate Spider-Man #41 BUY Irresponsible, Peter, MJ, Gwen, Liz, Flash, Geldoff
Ultimate Spider-Man #42 BUY Irresponsible, Peter, Geldoff, X-Men, Jean, Storm, Pryde
Ultimate Spider-Man #43 BUY Irresponsible, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Geldoff, X-Men, Jean, Storm, Pryde, Xavier
Ultimate Spider-Man #44 BUY Irresponsible, Peter, May, Gwen, Geldoff, X-Men, Jean, Storm, Pryde, Cyclops, Colossus, Beast, Xavier
Ultimate Spider-Man #45 BUY Irresponsible, Peter, May
Ultimate Spider-Man #1/2 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #34 BUY Blockbuster
Ultimate X-Men #35 BUY Blockbuster
Ultimate X-Men #36 BUY Blockbuster
Ultimate X-Men #37 BUY Blockbuster
Ultimate X-Men #38 BUY Blockbuster
Ultimate X-Men #39 BUY Blockbuster
Ultimate Spider-Man #47 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, MJ, Jonah, Robbie, Urich, Kingpin, Enforcers, Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana, Bullit
Ultimate Spider-Man #48 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Jonah, Robbie, Urich, Kingpin, Bullit
Ultimate Spider-Man #49 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, May, Jonah, Kingpin, Enforcers, Ox, Fancy Dan, Montana
Ultimate Spider-Man #50 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, May, MJ, 1st Black Cat
Ultimate Spider-Man #51 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, May, MJ, Robbie, Black Cat, Elektra
Ultimate Spider-Man #52 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, Black Cat, Elektra, Kingpin
Ultimate Spider-Man #53 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Black Cat, Elektra, Kingpin
Ultimate Adventures #1 BUY
Ultimate Adventures #2 BUY
Ultimate Adventures #3 BUY
Ultimate Adventures #4 BUY
Ultimate Adventures #5 BUY
Ultimate Adventures #6 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #46 BUY Cats and Kings, Peter, Carter, Sandman
Ultimate Six #1 BUY
Ultimate Six #2 BUY
Ultimate Six #3 BUY
Ultimate Six #4 BUY
Ultimate Six #5 BUY
Ultimate Six #6 BUY
Ultimate Six #7 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four #1 BUY The Fantastic
Ultimate Fantastic Four #2 BUY The Fantastic
Ultimate Fantastic Four #3 BUY The Fantastic
Ultimate Fantastic Four #4 BUY The Fantastic
Ultimate Fantastic Four #5 BUY The Fantastic
Ultimate Fantastic Four #6 BUY The Fantastic
Ultimate Spider-Man #54 BUY Hollywood, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Flash, Kong, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #55 BUY Hollywood, Peter, MJ, Gwen, Flash, Kong, Liz, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #56 BUY Hollywood, Peter, MJ, Gwen, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #57 BUY Hollywood, Peter, Gwen, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #58 BUY Hollywood, Peter, May, Gwen, Doctor Octopus
Ultimate Spider-Man #59 BUY Hollywood, Peter, May, MJ, Gwen, Doctor Octopus, Fury
Ultimate X-Men #40 BUY New Mutants
Ultimate X-Men #41 BUY New Mutants
Ultimate X-Men #42 BUY New Mutants
Ultimate X-Men #43 BUY New Mutants
Ultimate X-Men #44 BUY New Mutants
Ultimate X-Men #45 BUY New Mutants
Ultimate Fantastic Four #7 BUY Doom
Ultimate Fantastic Four #8 BUY Doom
Ultimate Fantastic Four #9 BUY Doom
Ultimate Fantastic Four #10 BUY Doom
Ultimate Fantastic Four #11 BUY Doom
Ultimate Fantastic Four #12 BUY Doom
Ultimate X-Men #46 BUY The Tempest
Ultimate X-Men #47 BUY The Tempest
Ultimate X-Men #48 BUY The Tempest
Ultimate X-Men #49 BUY The Tempest
Ultimate Spider-Man #60 BUY Carnage, Peter, Conners, DeWolfe
Ultimate Spider-Man #61 BUY Carnage, Peter, May, Gwen, Conners, 1st Carnage, Boomerang, 1st Reilly, Punisher
Ultimate Spider-Man #62 BUY Carnage, Peter, MJ, Gwen, Reilly, Conners, DeWolfe, Carnage
Ultimate Spider-Man #63 BUY Carnage, Peter, May, MJ, Conners, Carnage, DeWolfe
Ultimate Spider-Man #64 BUY Carnage, Peter, MJ, Conners, Carnage
Ultimate Spider-Man #65 BUY Carnage, Peter, MJ, Flash, Kong, Liz
Ultimate Fantastic Four #13 BUY N-Zone
Ultimate Fantastic Four #14 BUY N-Zone
Ultimate Fantastic Four #15 BUY N-Zone
Ultimate Fantastic Four #16 BUY N-Zone
Ultimate Fantastic Four #17 BUY N-Zone
Ultimate Fantastic Four #18 BUY N-Zone
Ultimate Fantastic Four #19 BUY Think Tank
Ultimate Fantastic Four #20 BUY Think Tank
Ultimate Spider-Man #66 BUY Superstars
Ultimate Spider-Man #67 BUY Superstars
Ultimate Spider-Man #68 BUY Superstars
Ultimate Spider-Man #69 BUY Superstars
Ultimate Spider-Man #70 BUY Superstars
Ultimate Spider-Man #71 BUY Superstars
Ultimate X-Men #50 BUY Cry Wolf
Ultimate X-Men #51 BUY Cry Wolf
Ultimate X-Men #52 BUY Cry Wolf
Ultimate X-Men #53 BUY Cry Wolf
Ultimate Fantastic Four #21 BUY Crossover
Ultimate Fantastic Four #22 BUY Crossover
Ultimate Fantastic Four #23 BUY Crossover
Ultimate Fantastic Four #24 BUY Tomb of Namor
Ultimate Fantastic Four #25 BUY Tomb of Namor
Ultimate Fantastic Four #26 BUY Tomb of Namor
Ultimate Spider-Man #72 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #73 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #74 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #75 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #76 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #77 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #78 BUY Hobgoblin
Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four #27 BUY President Thor
Ultimate Fantastic Four #28 BUY President Thor
Ultimate Fantastic Four #29 BUY President Thor
Ultimate Fantastic Four #30 BUY Frightful
Ultimate Fantastic Four #31 BUY Frightful
Ultimate Fantastic Four #32 BUY Frightful
Ultimate Spider-Man #79 BUY Warriors
Ultimate Spider-Man #80 BUY Warriors
Ultimate Spider-Man #81 BUY Warriors
Ultimate Spider-Man #82 BUY Warriors
Ultimate Spider-Man #83 BUY Warriors
Ultimate Spider-Man #84 BUY Warriors
Ultimate Spider-Man #85 BUY Warriors
Ultimate X-Men #54 BUY The Most Dangerous Game
Ultimate X-Men #55 BUY The Most Dangerous Game
Ultimate X-Men #56 BUY The Most Dangerous Game
Ultimate X-Men #57 BUY The Most Dangerous Game
Ultimate X-Men #58 BUY A Hard Lesson
Ultimate X-Men #59 BUY Shock and Awe
Ultimate X-Men #60 BUY Shock and Awe
Ultimate Nightmare #1 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Nightmare #2 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Nightmare #3 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Nightmare #4 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Nightmare #5 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Secret #1 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Secret #2 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Secret #3 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Secret #4 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Vision #0 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Extinction #1 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Extinction #2 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Extinction #3 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Extinction #4 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Extinction #5 BUY Gah Lak Tus Trilogy
Ultimate Vision #1 BUY
Ultimate Vision #2 BUY
Ultimate Vision #3 BUY
Ultimate Vision #4 BUY
Ultimate Vision #5 BUY
The Ultimates 2 #1 BUY Gods and Monsters
The Ultimates 2 #2 BUY Gods and Monsters
The Ultimates 2 #3 BUY Gods and Monsters
The Ultimates 2 #4 BUY Gods and Monsters
The Ultimates 2 #5 BUY Gods and Monsters
The Ultimates 2 #6 BUY Gods and Monsters
The Ultimates Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate X-Men Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #61 BUY Magnetic North
Ultimate X-Men #62 BUY Magnetic North
Ultimate X-Men #63 BUY Magnetic North
Ultimate X-Men #64 BUY Magnetic North
Ultimate X-Men #65 BUY Magnetic North
Ultimate X-Men Fantastic Four #1 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four X-Men #2 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #86 BUY Silver Sable
Ultimate Spider-Man #87 BUY Silver Sable
Ultimate Spider-Man #88 BUY Silver Sable
Ultimate Spider-Man #89 BUY Silver Sable
Ultimate Spider-Man #90 BUY Silver Sable
Ultimate Spider-Man #91 BUY Deadpool
Ultimate Spider-Man #92 BUY Deadpool
Ultimate Spider-Man #93 BUY Deadpool
Ultimate Spider-Man #94 BUY Deadpool
Ultimate X-Men #66 BUY Date Night
Ultimate X-Men #67 BUY Date Night
Ultimate X-Men #68 BUY Date Night
Ultimate X-Men #69 BUY Phoenix?
Ultimate X-Men #70 BUY Phoenix?
Ultimate X-Men #71 BUY Phoenix?
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #1 BUY
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #2 BUY
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #3 BUY
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #4 BUY
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #5 BUY
Ultimate Wolverine vs. Hulk #6 BUY
The Ultimates 2 #7 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates 2 #8 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates 2 #9 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates 2 #10 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates 2 #11 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates 2 #12 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates 2 #13 BUY Grande Theft America
The Ultimates Annual #2 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #72 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men #73 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men #74 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men Annual #2 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #95 BUY Morbius
Ultimate Spider-Man #96 BUY Morbius
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four #33 BUY God War
Ultimate Fantastic Four #34 BUY God War
Ultimate Fantastic Four #35 BUY God War
Ultimate Fantastic Four #36 BUY God War
Ultimate Fantastic Four #37 BUY God War
Ultimate Fantastic Four #38 BUY God War
Ultimate Spider-Man #97 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #98 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #99 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #100 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #101 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #102 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #103 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #104 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate Spider-Man #105 BUY Clone Saga
Ultimate X-Men #75 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men #76 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men #77 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men #78 BUY Cable
Ultimate X-Men #79 BUY Aftermath
Ultimate X-Men #80 BUY Aftermath
Ultimate X-Men #81 BUY Cliffhanger
Ultimate X-Men #82 BUY The Underneath
Ultimate X-Men #83 BUY The Underneath
Ultimate X-Men #84 BUY Sentinels
Ultimate X-Men #85 BUY Sentinels
Ultimate Fantastic Four #39 BUY Devils
Ultimate Fantastic Four #40 BUY Devils
Ultimate Fantastic Four #41 BUY Devils
Ultimate Fantastic Four #42 BUY Silver Surfer
Ultimate Fantastic Four #43 BUY Silver Surfer
Ultimate Fantastic Four #44 BUY Silver Surfer
Ultimate Fantastic Four #45 BUY Silver Surfer
Ultimate Fantastic Four #46 BUY Silver Surfer
Ultimate Fantastic Four #47 BUY Ghosts
Ultimate Fantastic Four #48 BUY Ghosts
Ultimate Fantastic Four #49 BUY Ghosts
Ultimate Power #1 BUY
Ultimate Power #2 BUY
Ultimate Power #3 BUY
Ultimate Power #4 BUY
Ultimate Power #5 BUY
Ultimate Power #6 BUY
Ultimate Power #7 BUY
Ultimate Power #8 BUY
Ultimate Power #9 BUY
Ultimate Human #1 BUY
Ultimate Human #2 BUY
Ultimate Human #3 BUY
Ultimate Human #4 BUY
Ultimate Captain America Annual #1 BUY March to Ultimatum
Ultimate Hulk Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four #50 BUY Four Cubed
Ultimate Fantastic Four #51 BUY Four Cubed
Ultimate Fantastic Four #52 BUY Four Cubed
Ultimate Fantastic Four #53 BUY Four Cubed
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #2 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #106 BUY Ultimate Knights
Ultimate Spider-Man #107 BUY Ultimate Knights
Ultimate Spider-Man #108 BUY Ultimate Knights
Ultimate Spider-Man #109 BUY Ultimate Knights
Ultimate Spider-Man #110 BUY Ultimate Knights
Ultimate Spider-Man #111 BUY The Talk
Ultimate Spider-Man #112 BUY Death of a Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #113 BUY Death of a Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #114 BUY Death of a Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #115 BUY Death of a Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #116 BUY Death of a Goblin
Ultimate Spider-Man #117 BUY Death of a Goblin
Ultimate X-Men #89 BUY Shadow King
Ultimate X-Men #90 BUY Apocalypse
Ultimate X-Men #91 BUY Apocalypse
Ultimate X-Men #92 BUY Apocalypse
Ultimate X-Men #93 BUY Apocalypse
Ultimate Spider-Man #118 BUY And His Amazing Friends
Ultimate Spider-Man #119 BUY And His Amazing Friends
Ultimate Spider-Man #120 BUY And His Amazing Friends
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #3 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #121 BUY Omega Red
Ultimate Spider-Man #122 BUY The Worst Day in Peter Parker's Life
Ultimate Spider-Man #123 BUY War of the Symbiotes
Ultimate Spider-Man #124 BUY War of the Symbiotes
Ultimate Spider-Man #125 BUY War of the Symbiotes
Ultimate Spider-Man #126 BUY War of the Symbiotes
Ultimate Spider-Man #127 BUY War of the Symbiotes
Ultimate Spider-Man #128 BUY War of the Symbiotes
Ultimates 3 #1 BUY
Ultimates 3 #2 BUY
Ultimates 3 #3 BUY
Ultimates 3 #4 BUY
Ultimates 3 #5 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #2 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four #54 BUY Salem's Seven
Ultimate Fantastic Four #55 BUY Salem's Seven
Ultimate Fantastic Four #56 BUY Salem's Seven
Ultimate Fantastic Four #57 BUY Salem's Seven
Ultimate X-Men #94 BUY Absolute Power
Ultimate X-Men #95 BUY Absolute Power
Ultimate X-Men #96 BUY Absolute Power
Ultimate X-Men #97 BUY Absolute Power
Ultimate X-Men Fantastic Four Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate Fantastic Four X-Men Annual #1 BUY
Ultimate Origins #1 BUY
Ultimate Origins #2 BUY
Ultimate Origins #3 BUY
Ultimate Origins #4 BUY
Ultimate Origins #5 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #129 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimatum #1 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Spider-Man #130 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Fantastic Four #58 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate X-Men #98 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimatum #2 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Spider-Man #131 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Fantastic Four #59 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate X-Men #99 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimatum #3 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Spider-Man #132 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Fantastic Four #60 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate X-Men #200 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimatum #4 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Spider-Man #133 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimatum #5 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Fantastic Four Requiem #1 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate X-Men Requiem #1 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem #1 BUY Utlimatum
Ultimate Spider-Man Requiem #2 BUY
Ultimate Armor Wars #1 BUY
Ultimate Armor Wars #2 BUY
Ultimate Armor Wars #3 BUY
Ultimate Armor Wars #4 BUY
Ultimate X #1 BUY
Ultimate X #2 BUY
Ultimate X #3 BUY
Ultimate X #4 BUY
Ultimate X #5 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #1 BUY The World According to Peter Parker
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #2 BUY The World According to Peter Parker
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #3 BUY The World According to Peter Parker
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #4 BUY The World According to Peter Parker
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #5 BUY The World According to Peter Parker
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #6 BUY The World According to Peter Parker
Ultimate Avengers #1 BUY The Next Generation
Ultimate Avengers #2 BUY The Next Generation
Ultimate Avengers #3 BUY The Next Generation
Ultimate Avengers #4 BUY The Next Generation
Ultimate Avengers #5 BUY The Next Generation
Ultimate Avengers #6 BUY The Next Generation
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #7 BUY Crossroad
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #8 BUY Crossroad
Ultimate Avengers 2nd series #1 BUY Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Avengers 2nd series #2 BUY Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Avengers 2nd series #3 BUY Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Avengers 2nd series #4 BUY Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Avengers 2nd series #5 BUY Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Avengers 2nd series #6 BUY Crime & Punishment
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #9 BUY Chameleons
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #10 BUY Chameleons
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #11 BUY Chameleons
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #12 BUY Chameleons
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #13 BUY Chameleons
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #14 BUY Chameleons
Ultimate Enemy #1 BUY
Ultimate Enemy #2 BUY
Ultimate Enemy #3 BUY
Ultimate Enemy #4 BUY
Ultimate Mystery #1 BUY
Ultimate Mystery #2 BUY
Ultimate Mystery #3 BUY
Ultimate Mystery #4 BUY
Ultimate Doom #1 BUY
Ultimate Doom #2 BUY
Ultimate Doom #3 BUY
Ultimate Doom #4 BUY
Ultimate Captain America #1 BUY
Ultimate Captain America #2 BUY
Ultimate Captain America #3 BUY
Ultimate Captain America #4 BUY
Ultimate New Ultimates #1 BUY
Ultimate New Ultimates #2 BUY
Ultimate New Ultimates #3 BUY
Ultimate New Ultimates #4 BUY
Ultimate New Ultimates #5 BUY
Ultimate Thor #1 BUY
Ultimate Thor #2 BUY
Ultimate Thor #3 BUY
Ultimate Thor #4 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 2nd series #15 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Spider-Man #150 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Spider-Man #151 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Spider-Man #152 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Spider-Man #153 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Spider-Man #154 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Spider-Man #155 BUY Death of Spider-Man Prelude
Ultimate Avengers 3rd series #1 BUY Blade vs the Avengers
Ultimate Avengers 3rd series #2 BUY Blade vs the Avengers
Ultimate Avengers 3rd series #3 BUY Blade vs the Avengers
Ultimate Avengers 3rd series #4 BUY Blade vs the Avengers
Ultimate Avengers 3rd series #5 BUY Blade vs the Avengers
Ultimate Avengers 3rd series #6 BUY Blade vs the Avengers
Ultimate Spider-Man #156 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man #157 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man #158 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man #159 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man #160 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ulimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #1 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ulimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #2 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ulimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #3 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ulimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #4 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ulimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #5 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ulimate Avengers vs New Ultimates #6 BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ultimate Fallout # BUY Death of Spider-Man
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #1 BUY Who Is Miles Morales?
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #2 BUY Who Is Miles Morales?
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #3 BUY Who Is Miles Morales?
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #4 BUY Who Is Miles Morales?
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #5 BUY Who Is Miles Morales?
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #6 BUY Who Is Miles Morales?
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #1 BUY The Republic is Burning
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #2 BUY The Republic is Burning
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #3 BUY The Republic is Burning
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #4 BUY The Republic is Burning
Ultimate Hawkeye #1 BUY
Ultimate Hawkeye #2 BUY
Ultimate Hawkeye #3 BUY
Ultimate Hawkeye #4 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #1 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #2 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #3 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #4 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #5 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #6 BUY
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #5 BUY The World
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #6 BUY The World
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #7 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #8 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #9 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #10 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #11 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #12 BUY
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #7 BUY Two Cities, Two Worlds
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #8 BUY Two Cities, Two Worlds
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #9 BUY Two Cities, Two Worlds
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #10 BUY Two Cities, Two Worlds
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #11 BUY Two Cities, Two Worlds
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #12 BUY Two Cities, Two Worlds
Ultimate X-Men #7 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #8 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #9 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #10 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #11 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #12 BUY
Spider-Men #1 BUY
Spider-Men #2 BUY
Spider-Men #3 BUY
Spider-Men #4 BUY
Spider-Men #5 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #13 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate X-Men #14 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #13 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #14 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #13 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #14 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate X-Men #15 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #15 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #15 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #16 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #16 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate X-Men #16 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate X-Men #17 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #17 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #17 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #18 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate X-Men #18 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate X-Men #18.1 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #18 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #18.1 BUY Divided We Fall, United We Stand
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #16.1 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #19 BUY Venom War
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #20 BUY Venom War
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #21 BUY Venom War
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #22 BUY Venom War
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #19 BUY Reconstruction
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #20 BUY Reconstruction
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #21 BUY Reconstruction
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #22 BUY Reconstruction
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #23 BUY Reconstruction
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #24 BUY Reconstruction
Ultimate X-Men #19 BUY Reservation X
Ultimate X-Men #20 BUY Reservation X
Ultimate X-Men #21 BUY Reservation X
Ultimate X-Men #22 BUY Reservation X
Ultimate Wolverine #1 BUY Legacies
Ultimate Wolverine #2 BUY Legacies
Ultimate Wolverine #3 BUY Legacies
Ultimate Wolverine #4 BUY Legacies
Ultimate X-Men #23 BUY Natural Resources
Ultimate X-Men #24 BUY Natural Resources
Ultimate X-Men #25 BUY Natural Resources
Ultimate X-Men #26 BUY Natural Resources
Ultimate X-Men #27 BUY Natural Resources
Ultimate X-Men #28 BUY Natural Resources
Ultimate Iron Man 3rd series #1 BUY
Ultimate Iron Man 3rd series #2 BUY
Ultimate Iron Man 3rd series #3 BUY
Ultimate Iron Man 3rd series #4 BUY
Ultimate X-Men #29 BUY World War X
Ultimate X-Men #30 BUY World War X
Ultimate X-Men #31 BUY World War X
Ultimate X-Men #32 BUY World War X
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #25 BUY Utlimates Disassembled
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #26 BUY Utlimates Disassembled
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #27 BUY Utlimates Disassembled
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #28 BUY Utlimates Disassembled
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #29 BUY Utlimates Disassembled
Ultimate Comics Ultimates #30 BUY Utlimates Disassembled
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #23 BUY Spider-Man No More
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #24 BUY Spider-Man No More
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #25 BUY Spider-Man No More
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #26 BUY Spider-Man No More
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #27 BUY Spider-Man No More
Ultimate Spider-Man 3rd series #28 BUY Spider-Man No More
Hunger #1 BUY
Hunger #2 BUY
Hunger #3 BUY
Hunger #4 BUY
Cataclysm #0.1 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #1 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #1 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #123 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #1 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #1 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates #1 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #2 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates #2 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates #3 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #2 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimate Spider-Man #3 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #3 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #4 BUY Cataclysm
Cataclysm Ultimates Last Stand #5 BUY Cataclysm
Survive #1 BUY
Ultimate Spider-Man #200 BUY
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #1 BUY
All-New Ultimates #1 BUY
Ultimate FF #1 BUY

31 thoughts on “Ultimate Marvel Reading Order

  1. Hey guys
    I’ve started reading Ultimate Comics in this order, and i really like it…
    I’ve noticed you are missing Ultimate X-men #86-88…
    I would put them after #85 and before UFF#39

    Other than that it’s a great list… (with few minor mistakes)

    Any chance for a NEW 52 reading order?
    (at least the comics that are in cannon)

    Love your site… 🙂

    1. Thanks, it’ll be there next update!

      RE: New 52 – It took a lot of work just for the New 52 Superman reading order, I could not imagine doing the entire New 52 at this point. Not only do I not read many of those books (nor do they have a “Marvel Unlimited” equivalent), but timing of events is all over the place, which makes it hard to place (should it be read chronologically, or is it a better experience to read in publication order?).

      1. I was kind of hoping to find gotham comics reading order online (the NEW 52 batman comics, nightwing, … ) but it’s nowhere to be found… Anyway, I’ll just have to read it in issue by issue order (guess I’ll start with superman first (by your order)….

        Regarding the new 52 superman comics, is there anything i need to know from the pre 52, since im new to the comics…. (i’ve heard that there are some books i should read prior to batman and green lantern, so i’m just wondering if the same goes for superman… )

        P.S. Sorry for writing about DC on Ultimate Marvel topic/list…

    2. You have Ultimate Spiderman Annual #2 twice on the list, after Ultimate Spiderman #96 and Ultimate Fantastic Four #53. Where do I read it? Do I read it twice?

  2. Hey guys, what great list!!! Thanks a lot!

    I was just wondering about the placement of Ultimate Iron Man series 1 & 2. Where do they fit in?

    1. If I’m not mistaken, Ultimate Iron Man comics are out of the canon and are not officially part of the ultimate universe.

      1. They are official but more of a read anywhere addition too without affecting the story arch. For out of cannon but further extension read Trouble by Mark Millar, this will give you a real extension of truthieness of Ultimate Aunt May’s back story. Great TPB worth checking into.

        1. Iron Man and Iron Man II were intended to be canon, but it didn’t make sense, so they recanonized it as a tv series made by tony stark in the ultimate universe.

  3. Thanks very much for your hard work on this, it made my task of reading all of the Ultimate books possible, AND Gave me a chance to jump in at a sensible point.
    Both Ultimate Spider-Man #127 and Ultimate Fantastic 4 #52, start with notes that they take place before the events in The Ultimates 3.
    Also, you’ve credited a lot of comics to the very intelligent Brain Michael Bendis.
    Otherwise perfect! Thanks again!

    1. Thanks. I skipped the crediting of issues to be able to publish this list (otherwise, it would still be in draft form). I hope to someday add all the issue credits and characters.

  4. i read that “ultimate daredevil and Electra” and “ultimate Electra ” is before marvel team up#6 and 7 and 8

    1. I’ll check into that. Do you have those issues to confirm? I want to make sure that the read better before those issues, not just that they fit there chronologically.

  5. i read that issues and i confirm this because Matt Murdock didn’t become daredevil yet and he was in collage with electra

  6. Just wanted to start off by saying thank you for compiling this list together. I recently started reading comics by taking advantage of SDCC promo vs my old habit of just using a wiki. I noticed that “Ultimate X-Men 72-74” is erraneously labeled “Cable” when it should be “Magical”.

    Once again, thank you for putting this list in order.

  7. I just bought Next Generation (Avengers) and noticed that it takes place 3wks after Ultimatum, while The World According to Peter Parker takes place 6months after Ultimatum.

  8. You have Ultimate Spiderman Annual #2 twice on the list, after Ultimate Spiderman #96 and Ultimate Fantastic Four #53. Where do I read it? Do I read it twice?

  9. I love this list and thank you!
    Only problem I have noticed so far though, is: You have Ultimate Captain America Annual #1 coming right after Ultimate Human #4, yet the very first page of Ultimate Cap Annual #1 states: “Here’s what happened in Ultimates 3.”
    Ultimate Captain America Annual #1 should go after the Ultimates 3 set, please.

    Thanks again for this fantastic list, I have had so much fun reading through all the Ultimate Universe.

  10. Great list!

    I read the ?’s about the OSC Ultimate Iron Man series in the comments, and Ultimate Iron Man 1 and 2 were later shown to be a TV series within the Ultimate Universe, an inaccurate Hollywood portrayal of Iron Man’s persona. (http://goodcomics.comicbookresources.com/2011/12/12/the-abandoned-an-forsaked-is-this-really-the-origin-of-ultimate-iron-man/) As such, they still technically exist in the Ultimate Universe, although they are not portrayed as “real life.” I’m not sure what you’d want to do with that for the list.

    1. I actually think Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 2 should come after #8, Ultimate Marvel Team-Up 1 doesn’t reference anything that is in #8.

  11. I have made it all the way to Cataclysm, and in just a shade under four months…yikes!

    Two questions: One, do I just read Cataclysm: X-Men 1-3? You have it listed as #1, #123 & 1. Two, what is the recommended order to read Miles Morales, All-New Ultimates & Ultimate FF? I’m assuming I just read each series at once since they are twelve, twelve and six issues, respectively.

    By the way, thanks for the wonderful site! This reading list has been money. Now, what to next? Do you have a Marvel Now! reading order?

  12. Thanks for this list. I’ve gotten back into reading the Ultimate line after a long absence through a comic subscription service. They carry most of the titles apart from some minis Ult. Team-Up and Ult. FF (which I’ve requested and they are working on). It was a refreshing break from the Marvel U and as they were able to make lasting changes and not have to revert back to the status quo.

  13. There seems to be an error in Cataclysm X-Men. You listed Cataclysm X-men 1 twice and you listed Cataclysm X-men 123. I believe the order should be Cataclysm X-Men 1, Catalcysm X-Men 2, and Cataclysm X-men 3.

  14. Hey. Not sure if this site is still active, but I came across it while looking for a “Marvel Comics Ultimate” reading order and am now “test driving” your recommended reading order while reading through the “Ultimate” line online.

    While I think the site is fantastic and sincerely think you folks deserve mega Kudos for your efforts, thought I would pitch in with some initial thoughts regarding the earliest “Ultimate Marvel” entries..,

    1) You’ve got “Ultimate Marvel Team Up” #1 after “Ultimate Spider-Man” #7 (which is perfect) but before “Ultimate X-Men” #1. While I can just about accept Spider-Man running into Wolverine before Logan joined up with the X-Men, there are a couple of references to “mutant hysteria” and even “giant robots” that make me wonder if perhaps Team-Up #1 might not be better placed AFTER the entire “Tomorrow People” storyline. Thoughts…?

    2) Then, you’ve got “Team-Up” #2-3 before “Spider-Man” #8. This one, I’m just going to completely disagree with, because the opening scene in “Team-Up” has Peter eating lunch with Ben Urich, but Peter has not yet started his internship at the Bugle and hasn’t even met Urich yet. Probably worth revisiting the placement of these issues of “Team-Up”.

    Thanks again for the helpful site… I plan to continue to leverage it as I read through the Ultimates line and will, if you guys are still active, add more comments and feedback as I go. 🙂

  15. Why is Ultimate X-Men #1-6 after Ultimate Hawkeye? Is this a different X-Men series? It links back to the first series.

  16. Ultimate Power comes earlier in the lineup, because in it Spiderman and Kitty are together, but if you read it in the current order they were supposed to be split up already

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