Complete Spider-Man Reading Order

Updated: May 1st, 2019

Go directly the Spider-Man Reading Order >

Spider-Man Reading Order from Amazing Fantasy #15 to Marvel Legacy!

What you will find below is the most complete listing of Spider-Man comics in chronological order you’ll probably find. The principles of this reading order are simple: Flashbacks are listed of when the “present” occurs, ensuring that issue is placed in the order it should be read. Issues are kept intact, and most notable appearances of the Spider-Man in other comics that are considered canon are included. Also, each issue contains a number (subject to change) listing its place in the order, in regards to the effective number of Amazing Spider-Man issues.

Current Titles Past Core Titles Past Anthology and Spin-Offs
Mini-Series & Spin-Offs
Core Titles

Spin-Off Titles

Where to begin Reading Spider-Man?

With publication of Spider-Man comics spanning decades, not everyone will want to start reading off of the Spider-Man reading order from the first issue, and for those who do want to, you’ll probably want to start with a more accessible trade paperback. Alternatively, you can read our Timeline of Major Spider-Man Events to get caught up to what’s happened in Spidey’s life as of yet. Here are few suggestions.

Where It All Started A Classic Story Fan Favorite The Last Complete Run The Current Run
Amazing Spider-Man The Death of Gwen Stacy Kraven’s Last Hunt Big Time Spider-Man by Nick Spencer

Or Get Other Spider-Man read order essentials from Amazon

How To Use the Spider-Man Reading Order

Contribute to the living document by leaving a comment below, on the blog post regarding the most recent update, or in our contact form.

Filter the reading order to get the information you’re looking for: since we have data beyond the titles concerning creative teams, events, characters AND a great search feature, you can filter the reading order to follow a particular character, just find information regarding a certain crossover and much, much more. Here are a few ideas:

Characters Events Creative Teams Essential Issues Era, Year or Title
  • Doc Ock
  • Venom
  • MJ! (important Mary Jane issues)
  • Clone Saga
  • Revealed!
  • Quits!
  • McFarlane
  • DeMatteis
  • Ramos
  • Search for issues marked with * for a reduced reading order based on what is considered essential (for understanding the story without skipping what is considered the best issues.
  • search for ** for an even smaller list of indispensable Spider-Man issues
  • Bronze
  • Spectacular Spider-Man
  • 1992

Chronological Spider-Man Read Order

Enhance your Spider-Man Read Order experience by checking out our Spider-Man Back Issue reviews.

202 thoughts on “Complete Spider-Man Reading Order

          1. Did you hear about Dan Slotts “AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #1.1” Apparently it looks like it’s going to do what amazing fantasy #16-18 and such did kinda, are you planning on putting it in there?

            1. I’ll have to read it first; it may be best read at the time of publication, as I believe the revelations in those issues will be important to concurrently published Amazing Spider-Man vol. 3 issues.

              1. I have it, and I’ve read it after reading AM 15 and i think it fits :3 But that’s just me. Either way though, it really does counteracts Amazing Fantasy 16-18, and well it is technically canon. What does this mean for AF 16-18 then? BTW! Awesome job on the reading order!! Holy crap! 😀

                  1. Though I do think they should be reconnected it does suck though XD they are pretty dang good issues. I don’t blame you if you keep them in :3

      1. I actually have a complete Ultimate Marvel reading order in the works. I will probably launch in January or February, though I may be productive this Christmas break!

    1. Any reason the second series (2009) of Web of Spider man isn’t in the list?
      What about anything from 2014- secret wars?
      I LOVE this list!
      Thank you so much. I slipped out of comics in the early 2000’s. Started on amazing fantasy 15 in january, used your list and am up to 2009 now.

  1. Thanks for this. I’m about to tackle Spider-Man from the beginning and this guide is exactly what I need.

    Great work.

  2. Just wish that this list was downloadable so that I could keep track and check off what I have read and what I need to. Great work.

    1. I just saved this page as an HTML so I can view it offline. Pretty easy, no need for added software or anything. I’m currently reading through the whole list, up to Amazing 170 now. Long way to go.

    1. I’ll be getting to it after I add in issues going up to Spider-Island. I’m also hoping to include an “Essential” filter so I can maintain the original purpose of this list, which is to create a concise list of issues.

  3. Very, very nice. In due time this will become something anyone serious about reading ASM will have to see.

    You should totally put Untold Tales of Spider-Man in there though too. That has some great Lee/Ditko-esque stuff that fills in the gaps of the first 20 or so issues very, very nicely. OH! and don’t forget Amazing Fantasy #16-18. Also very important to the Spidey mythos.

    1. Been working on my own chronology for 5 years now, in chronological story-arc format. I’ve integrated all the flashbacks, untold tales, etcetera into the overall package up to 1990. If the site owner wants to see what I’ve got, I’d be happy to help.

  4. This is absolutely amazing! Been a long time Spidey fan and stumbling across this online has inspired me to do what I’ve never done before read from the beginning. Keep up the good work!

  5. This is pretty sweet.
    I’ve just gotten into comics and I have a lot of catching up to do. I was going to try to read the whole “Amazing” series this year and read up through the first annual then found this list. Now I’m going to try to read them all in order based off of this list.
    Hope you keep the list updated with new stuff that comes out because this is amazing!!!

  6. Fantastic resource! I am slowly working my way through. Is there any chance that, for any further updates, you could keep a change list? That would make it easier to keep up-to-date with any modifications/additions.

    1. That’s something I’d love to be able to do. I’m not sure I would be able to add a definitive change list, but I’ll try to keep try for next time!

      1. It would be more something like just some brief notes on the page when the page is changed. For new issues it is easy for me to see when your changes since you add them at the end, but if you were ever to add more in the middle somewhere it would be hard.Thanks for all your work thus far!

  7. Wow! Thanks! The # and ## tags are very helpful. This would really help spidey’s readers to start from the bery beginning! ^_^

    I hope you can put the # and ## tags for X-men reading order. Thanks!

    1. Thanks!

      I’ve thought about the X-Men, but without one major character to use as a pivot point, It’s much harder to have one definitive string of issues. I’m thinking of maybe using my X-Men timeline of events, and branching off from there. It takes a LOT of time. I might need some help for that one!

      1. Yes, that’s a lot of work. And by the way, I noticed that the newly added list has no # tags. I also noticed other new titles of spider-man here. I don’t know if I should get them or not. ^_^

        I appreciate it if the new list of chapters are tagged with # or ## based on their essence to the whole story. Thanks!

        1. I’m working on it now. It gets harder to do the closer we get to current issues, as we haven’t seen the culmination of the story, and therefore don’t know what issues would be essential to this event. I’m hoping to finish Brand New Day, but leave Big Time and Superior untagged until Slott ends his run.

  8. Quick question, why #55 – #64 were dropped? From what I’ve seen they do include Spider, and there are some Dark Reign issues on list aswell. I’m sure I’m missing something here 🙂

    1. I ment New Avengers #55 – #64 🙂
      Also great list you have there, I just started project of reading Spider comics from the beginning, and this list saved me tons of work. Thank you for that.

      1. Thanks! The only reason I haven’t added those issues is really just because I haven’t gotten around to it. I’ll look into for my next update.

  9. Thank-you so much. This was clearly a considerable amount of work to do (and keep updating) so I’d just like to show appreciation. Applause to you, my friend.

    1. Sorry, it’s an issue with my list. The numbers are calculated automatically, and there seems to be a break in the formula. It should be fixed soon!

    1. Thanks for the input. I’m actually thinking of moving it close its actual publication date. I just read it again recently, and I notice that it’s clearly a flashback story, with the story beginning with “Then”. I tend to put flashbacks in line with the time of narration.

  10. I’d like to congratulate and thank you for such an amazing work. This is going to be very helpful when reading…

  11. Eh… could you post the Spider-Man appearances in other comic books,’cause I’m a HUGE fan of Spidey so I want to know everywhere he showed up.Thanks in advance. 😀 😀 😀

    1. The idea of this list is to keep it somewhat lean and to follow Spider-Man’s story and keep cameo appearances at a minimum. Also, I don’t have those cameos on file.

      If you have anything that think must be included, you could always drop me a note. One thing I’m expecting to eventually include are the Spider-Man appearances in Avengers in the 80’s and early 90’s (Along came a spider, etc.)

  12. Will the other update contain all of the Spider-Man appearances and will the update be posted soon?Please be quick and include all of the comics.

    1. There is nothing at the moment that spans all the decades. the Essential line is the closest thing that comes to it, though it doesn’t include anything from the 90’s and beyond. In fact, the late 80’s and 90’s are where there are the biggest holes in terms of reprints in collected editions.

      The good news is there a new format of collected editions called “Epic Collections” which look to eventually collect most of what is seen here. The first Spider-Man Epic collection begins with volume 20 (the Acts of Vengeance stuff). It looks to evenutally span the whole timeline, though no word yet on the exact criteria to what is included, though it seems to be completely mapped out in-house, since they have the volumes numbered to at least #20.

  13. First a thanks for this site and all your work. I had the crazy idea to try and read chronologically from Spidey’s beginnings and finding this site was a Godsend.

    I’ve used it extensively and in combination with many other sources tried to layer in some of the other appearances and cameos that your streamlined list doesn’t include. Because I’m really anal about continuity. 🙂

    I’ve started reading through my compiled list and wondered what you thought of the following potential changes to your list:
    * move Spider-Man/Human Torch 01 to after Amazing 13. The story appears to take place immediately after Spidey captures Mysterio.
    * move Untold Tales – Strange Encounter to after Amazing Annual 1. This is so incredibly minor, but when Dr Strange appears in the annual, Flash, etc. should know him if is after SE.

    Thanks for all your work. I’ll echo the request for a changes list if at all possible.

    1. Thank you very much for this. As I add issues, I obviously don’t reread the entire list again, so it’s nice to know there’s another pair of eyes out there that can help!

      For the Spider-Man Human/Torch issues, I’m moving them all together, since they are narrated from a more recent point in time (sometime before Civil War, I believe). I try to make the distinction from flashback and period piece, as Spider-Man blue is relevant to period where Peter and MJ are living together, the story is framed as reminiscing to older days from that point.

      1. Hey Ben. Just checking in on this thread for the first time in a bit. Maybe I’m missing something but can’t see how to reply to you directly. If anyone wants a copy of my ever updating list pop me a note to I’m only through issue 38 of Amazing on the reread, so no guarantees about the list being perfect. 🙂

  14. Any idea where the ‘Fear Itself’ issues would fall on this list. I’ve been trying to find when they take place in the reading order but haven’t had any luck.

    1. I’m actually reading through Bendis Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man in tandem to go through issues like this. Fear Itself should kick in after the Fantastic Spider-Man and before Spider-Island.

  15. You seem to be missing the latest issues of SSM, Avenging Spiderman and Superior Team up.
    Heres the list. (In as accurate and logical of an order as I could put it):
    ASM 700
    Avenging 15.1
    Superior 1
    Superior 2
    Superior 3
    Avenging 16
    Avenging 17
    Superior 4
    Superior 5
    Avenging 18
    Superior 6
    Avenging 19
    Superior 7
    Superior 8
    Superior 9
    Superior 10
    Avenging 20
    Avenging 21
    Superior 11
    Superior 12
    Superior 13
    Avenging 22
    Superior 14
    Superior Team Up # 1
    Superior 15
    Superior 16
    Superior Team Up # 2
    Scarlet Spider #20 (continues from team up #2)
    Superior 17
    Superior 18

    Also worth noting Spider man appears in his post SSM 14 costume at the end of Superior Carnage #3, although it’s not entirely clear when its happening other than that.
    Hope this helps

    1. Thanks for this!

      I’ll be updating the Marvel reading orders as well adding in a complete Marvel NOW! reading order at the end of November. I’ll definitely include this list.

  16. Does this list include the “Limited Series” of spider-man as well? Or are those not considered part of the continuity timeline?

    1. Are you speaking of a certain limited series, or just limited series in general? We strive to included all in-continuity issues, though it started as a more streamlined list, so many omissions are just oversights. If you got any that should be included, let us know!

    1. I believe it was an inventory issue, or a fill of some type. I don’t have the details, but some things are being referred to in that issue that make more sense if it comes before #172.

      1. Way late reply, but as I recall, that was a flashback issue set between those, as denoted in a footnote in the beginning of the issue.

  17. Thanks a billion for this awesome list, I always refer to it when reading through Spider-man =D

    Does anyone know where Superior Spider-Man Annual #1 would fall?

  18. Are you going to include “Soul of the hunter”, the special that concluded Kraven’s Last Hunt?
    I’m not exactly sure about where it should be placed, but definitely shortly after KLH. I have a Spanish anthology collection that places it after Amazing Spider-Man 339, but that was only done because it was a nice way to end the collection. It should be placed a lot sooner.

    1. Good question. I have never read it, so I’m unsure as to its placement, but I would definitely put it in once I get a good lead on where it goes.

      1. It was published on August 1992, so at the same time as Amazing 365 (I mean by date). Its position in the timeline is a bit more ambiguous.

  19. Wow, awesome job! I stumbled upon this yesterday, and I’ve already copied it over to an Excel spreadsheet. 🙂

    While I haven’t had a chance to look over the list extensively, one thing I noticed missing was Spider-Man: Swing Shift – Director’s Cut (originally released as Free Comic Book Day 2007: The Amazing Spider-Man). I believe this one-shot was meant to serve as a prequel to Brand New Day, as the Director’s Cut version was released during the same month that BND officially kicked-off, plus it introduced Mr. Negative, Overdrive and Jackpot, all of whom would be featured in the BND story arc. Thus, I believe this one-shot would serve as a best-fit right between ASM #545 and 546.


  20. Thanks for this, amazing..

    I’m reaching the end of the list and notice it hasn’t been updated for a while now, when can we expect an update? Looking very much forward to that! Great effort, thanks once again!

    1. Soon enough! I have some data ready, though I usually wait till there are some major changes before pushing it out. Hopefully by the end of the month.

  21. Are you going to make something like a changelog or a quick note to see what will change in the next update? I don’t want to miss anything new by overlooking at the whole list.

    Excelent list by the way! I had never read the Spider-Man comics and wanted to do so from the very beginning, I started recently by this list and it’s awesome so far, thanks!

    1. The methods I use don’t lend themselves to a changelog. I’m looking into what can be done, other than just taking down a few notes.

  22. I love this list! Very comprehensive! How soon can we expect an update? (I have all the way upto SSM #29)
    Also, is there a way you could fit Superior Carnage into this?

    1. I’m working on updates for each week, starting with Avengers, then X-Men, then Spider-Man. I haven’t read Superior Carnage, so if anybody out there knows where it goes, please let us know!

  23. I have an entire list for you to research and add… You have done an absolutely INCREDIBLE job with this list! Amazing!! Here’s some that you missed/left out/skipped… Maybe you have a reason I don’t know about: X-Men #35, Spider-Man Special Edition (The Trial Of Venon), Spider-Man/Punisher/Sabretooth (Designer Genes), The Amazing Spider-man Soul Of The Hunter, Spider-man Dr. Strange (The Way To Dusty Death), The Infinity Gauntlet (I know he has a very small part), Spider-man Fear Itself, Revenge Of The Living Mononlith, Fantastic Four #347-349, Fantastic Four #374, Iron Man, #234, Marvel Fanfare #47, Marvel Comics Presents #48-50, Marc Spector: Moon Knight #19-21, Morbius THe Living Vampire #3-4, Punisher War Journal #14-15, The Mighty Thor #391, Amazing Spider-man Annual #16 & Web Of Spider-man Annual #3. Not being jerk, just trying to be helpful! Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I’ve started updating a few of these, but I don’t have a strong grasp on the proper order for a lot of those (mostly because I don’t have them/haven’t read them). If you have any suggestions, let me know.

  24. Thanks for this list. I’ve been using it to organise my Spidey collection, and this has been an amazing help as I like my things in reading order. I thought you might like to know that both Spider-Man Unlimited #19 and #21 are missing from this list.

  25. First off, I will echo everyone else’s comments by saying this is a magnificent compendium of Spidey works… dare I say AMAZING!

    This is a very humbled suggestion, but might Untold Tales of Spider-Man -1 be considered the very very first issue? I’m aversive to ever suggesting anything should appear before AF15, but man if that issue doesn’t wallop you with as much Richard and Mary Parker backstory as you will ever get. It ends nicely with the announcement that Mary is pregnant with what is likely Peter.

    1. Chronologically, it fits best there, though it might not be the best place to start reading Spider-Man, or even Untold tales of Spider-Man. Many of those -1 issues had images of the previous/next issue teased within the story, so I tend to place them in publishing order.

  26. How about Strange Tales Annual #2; Fantastic Four Annual #1; Not Brand Ecch #2, #6, #11 which contains in Spider-man Omnibus volumes 1 and 2?
    And what about A+X series? Spider-man have 3 appearance in this volume (2 as Amazing, 1 as Superior).

    Sorry for my English, because I’m from Russia.

      1. Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11 twice in list. And there is not #9.
        And Spider-Man Family #1 and #2 are part of Back in black. What about this series?

        1. A typo slipped in… #10 should be #9, and the first #11 should be #10.

          I’ll look into adding Spider-Man Family.

          1. Why are you drop The Infinity Gauntlet? There is only Spider-Man #17 in list.
            That is list for Spider-man appearance in The Infinity Gauntlet

            1 06.1991 The Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger (1988) #18
            2 07.1991 The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #1
            3 07.1991 The Incredible Hulk (1968) #383
            3 08.1991 The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #2
            5 08.1991 Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #32
            6 08.1991 Silver Surfer (1987) #52
            7 09.1991 The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #3
            8 09.1991 Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme (1988) #33
            9 09.1991 Silver Surfer (1987) #54
            10 09.1991 Silver Surfer (1987) #55
            11 10.1991 The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #4
            12 10.1991 Silver Surfer (1987) #56
            13 11.1991 The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #5
            14 11.1991 Sleepwalker (1991) #6
            15 12.1991 Spider-Man (1990) #17
            16 12.1991 The Infinity Gauntlet (1991) #6
            17 02.1992 Warlock and the Infinity Watch (1992) #1

            And right before it must been The Mutant Misadventures of Cloak and Dagger ##16-17.

            Sorry for my English again.

  27. Thanks for the AMAZING list! Could you please tell me where the Annual #1998, Annual #37 and Annual #38 fall in the amazing series?

  28. Webspinners – Tales of Spider-Man aren’t complete as far as I could see.
    Also are you planning to make a MC2 Spider-Girl reading order? I can’t seem to find a decent one.
    Great list though! Great job putting it together!

    1. I have to admit that I have never read any MC2, so for the moment, you probably have a better reading order than I do 😉

      1. In all honesty I did download the whole (I think) MC2 chronology and it seems to be Spider-girl oriented. I still have yet to read it. Also downloaded the Ghost Rider comics but the only order they were put in was the release date order so I’d have to research that a bit too 🙂

  29. What an amazing list! Kudos to you! I don’t see it mentioned yet but I remembered that there were a few issues of Darkhawk that starred Spider-man: Issues #2-3 and #19-20. Just wanted to mention them as possibilities for your next update.

  30. Hello, I’d just like to say I believe I’ve been using this list for the past two years. I found a pdf version of it when I decided to start reading Spider-Man comics from the beginning. At this point I’ve been reading them for about two years and have read over 1000 spider man comics. Needless to say I’m very grateful for this list you’ve made, and I’m even more grateful that you’re still updating it. The version I have does not include the stars so I’m glad I’ve found this website. I’m wondering if you will continue using the stars for essential issues past asm 573?

    1. Yes, I will be adding the “stars” for essential Spider-Man issues, though the pace of which I add them will slow down. I feel the closer I am to the current run, the less I am able to separate what is essential to the entire series and what is just essential to what is going on now (it’s possible I don’t add a certain new issue eventually, which means the story leading up to it isn’t necessarily essential either).

      For the moment, I’ll be focusing on adding asterisks to the Brand New Day era, but probably leave Dan Slott’s solo run intact until it comes to an end.

    2. Could you tell me where I can find such pdf? I find this website awesome, but I’m not always able to be on-line with my iPad, so a downloaded file of the order would be superb. Thank you!

  31. I think Untold #10 should go before Amazing #12. I believe it is page 9 of Untold #10 that has the radio mentioning Doc Ock’s crimes on the west coast which is how #12 opens up.

  32. 719.16 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #7
    721.03 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #8
    726.02 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #10
    726.03 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11
    729.03 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #11
    729.04 Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #12

    I assume that 10 is supposed to be 9 and the first 11 is supposed to be 10?

  33. Thanks for including “Soul of the Hunter” in the chronology. I know that you’re always adding stuff to the list, but is there any place up to which you’re sure that the list is complete?

  34. Thank you SO MUCH for this reading order. I have loved being able to keep the tie-ins corralled properly!

    Couple tweaks if I may,
    After reading through the Superior comics I think that it should go:
    Superior Spider-Man 30
    Superior Spider-Man 31
    Superior Team-Up 11
    Superior Team-Up 12
    My reasoning is based on the fact that the end of Team-Up 12 has Peter remarking how nice it is to have his own baby browns back.
    Also, You seem to be missing Mighty Avengers 4 & 5. After that Spidey doesn’t even appear in that series.

    And does anyone know when the 700.1 – 700.5 series should be placed in the timeline?

    1. Thanks. I’ll keep this in mind next update.

      As to those 700.point series, I’m not even sure if they are canon.

  35. Wow this list is amazing. I’m currently using this to try and read every book on my iPad. I’m thinking of making a cbr repack of this to give over reddit. Would that be ok?

    1. Just make sure you give credit by linking back to the source… though I’m not sure how Reddit will deal with linking to CBRs.

  36. I’m trying to look at Mary Jane’s chronology so I have to ask why Marvel Team Up #79 placed after ASM #206? I’m curious because it came out the same month as ASM #190 and has MJ acting like her and Peter are dating when they’d broken up by ASM #206

    1. If you want to reduce the list down to a shorter reading order with just the most essential issues (what is considered the better stories and the major events), search for *, and it will reduce it. Searching for ** will reduce the list even further.

  37. Thor 2nd series #8
    Peter Parker Spider-Man #2
    Should be after
    Amazing Spider-Man 2nd Series #2
    Amazing Spider-Man 2nd Series #3
    Because in this issues Peter just becomes Spider-Man again. And in Thor #8 Peter is Spidy.

    1. Amazing Spider-Man 2nd Series #2
      Amazing Spider-Man 2nd Series #3
      Peter Parker Spider-Man #3
      I forget PPSM#3 in this story

  38. THIS:
    514.78 2006 Modern Spider-Man Unlimited 3rd series #12 BUY Gage, McKone
    514.79 2006 Modern Spider-Man Unlimited 3rd series #13 BUY Williams, Casey Jones
    514.80 2006 Modern Spider-Man Unlimited 3rd series #14 BUY Cebulski, Finch
    SHOULD GO some time after this:
    518.01 2005 Modern Amazing Spider-Man 2nd Series #518 BUY Straczynski, Deodato Jr, Brooks
    The reason is that in the unlimited #12 Peter and MJ are living in the mansion with Jarvis, and Amazing #518 is the story in which they loose their own house.

  39. I’m going to read Avengers List after Spider-Man, but I have a concern. This list has the issues of spider-man and avengers team-ups. But it’s not actually includes Avengers, so when they team-up and characters talk about important events of the Avengers, will I know what they are talking about. Will I be read that Avengers issue even Spider-Man is not in it. (Sorry for my bad English)

    1. You might be spoiled, though really each story stands on their own. Also, I don’t recommend reading everything. These lists are to help you organize your own reading order by picking and choosing the books that interest you.

  40. Giant Size Spider-Man number one and Marvel team up vol 1 # 23 need to be switched because #23 refers to incidents that happened in Giant Size Spider-Man

    1. Sort of…

      First off, don’t read everything on this list. The order is meant to be general, as each reader will have their own particular number of titles.

      Amazing Spider-Man often contains the main threads, though at certain points in time there are important (and good) stories in other books. If you want to read everything “important & good”, just read the books with asterisks.

      You don’t have to start at the first issue, either: we’ve marked good starting points above, though I would suggest, if you want to read modern Spider-Man, to start at Brand New Day or Big Time, though read a few “Best of” Spider-Man books to catch up (perhaps the top 5-10 books such as Death of Gwen Stacy and Kraven’s Last Hunt).

  41. Just curious, do you plan on doing a similar lists for any other characters, whether DC or Marvel? I’d understand if you didn’t since this by itself is a pretty big undertaking, but I was just curious.

    1. Oops sorry this question was meant towards the indispensable list, you already have a bigger list like this for Batman and Superman.

      1. One day. That is very time-consuming and much harder for team lists. X-Men would be the next one I do, though there’s no ETA on that.

  42. Hello! I’ve been looking at this a LOT, trying to organize my Spider-Man collection, and this has been very *very* helpful.

    I wanted to write and say Doc Ock’s five-issue YEAR ONE overlaps with both AMAZING FANTASY 15 and AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #3, if you haven’t already read it.

    1. I’m not sure where I’m placing it, yet. If this new villain actually becomes relevant, it might be best just reading it along with the new Amazing volume. Relevance tops “pure chronology”, IMHO.

      Thanks for reading!

  43. This list has been invaluable, thank you so much for all your hard work. Incidentally, according to my research, Daredevil 103 should come between Marvel Team Up 12 and 13, based on the end of 12 and the beginning of 13. Just a heads up. Thanks again.

    1. It’s actually out of place wherever it falls 😉

      It’s placement has to do with the Infinity Gauntlet Tie-In, though the continuity reasons are so thin you could read it in publication order as well (or even not at all).

    1. Yes, now that it’s done, and we’ve seen the relevance of introducing Clash/Clayton Cole, I’m pretty sure I’ll be putting it up after Original Sin but before Amazing Spider-Man 3rd series #7.

  44. Is there anyway I can get this list as a CSV file? I would really like to have it as a list so I can scratch them off as I read them. Thanks!

    1. I don’t have it in that format, though you could easily use a browser plugin that copies tables (I use Table2Clipboard).

  45. Don’t know if you already have these but I thought i’d suggest the Carnage, Carnage U.S.A, and Superior Carnage series. not quite sure where they go though.

  46. Also seems to be missing The Spectacular Spider-Man magazines 1 and 2 from 1968, which have a fairly complicated relationship to the Amazing chronology. #1, the more complicated, was reworked as an Amazing story, but #2 is important to the Goblin’s chronology.

    1. You’re right, and they are in the Omnibus editions I believe. I have a look at where they are in those books to see where to place them here.

  47. Daredevil 16-17 is a two-part Daredevil-Spidey story, not a cameo at all. It should definitely be included around ASM 36-37; it was a test-run for Romita to see if he could draw Spider-Man well enough to replace to soon-to-be-gone Steve Ditko.

  48. Ignore that last comment, the stupid thing commented before I finished writing. But, I digress.
    Will you be adding “Amazing Spider-Man: Learning to Crawl”? It’s part of the 616 Universe set within the first few issues of Amazing Spider-Man. Also, will Spider-Verse be added? That sorta counts doesn’t it? Since most issues feature either Otto or Peter from 616.

    1. As stated elsewhere many time: these lists aren’t great for recent issues. It takes a few years for these stories to find their place. All our efforts to order current books are found in the Marvel NOW! reading order. Current issues just shift placement to make keeping these lists up to date useful. We’ll aim for a yearly update.

      1. As mentioned repeatedly on this site, these orders are not meant to update to recent issues, especially with decompressed stories that take 6+ months to complete. Everything in due time, but if you are reading a story who’s last issue was published in the last year, just read in publication order.

    1. Yes. For now, just follow the Marvel NOW! reading order, which will basically have all the Spider-Man reading order additions.

  49. where is Avengers 4th series and the rest of New Avengers 2nd series these series happened during
    Big Times and during heroic age and before marvel now

  50. Hi! Thanks for all the work. Just one question: why is Amazing Spider-Man 2nd Series missing from number 26 to 35?

  51. Sorry, just found it! Once again, thanks for this amazing list.

    By the way… Where does the Miles Morales editions fit into this?

  52. Thanks a bunch. Been using it for a little bit and it’s been super useful, like reading Untold Tales near the beginning. I haven’t found anything that’s missing and everything has been in a logical place in terms of Peter/Spidey’s chronology (not publication date). Awesome.

    1. Easily skippable. A retelling that isn’t necessary to the current reading order. It would go at the beginning, obviously.

  53. I kinda fell like spiderman first sieries no. 16 should be on the essential list. it has spidys first meeting with daredevil, which is important for when he recommends spiderman to the avengers, ringmaster returns in a later issue, and I also feel like it was one of the better original comics.

  54. you placed uncanny x-men 35 after amazing spider man 50. it should be at least after 52, since in x-men 35 he mentions having a run in with kingpin, and that didn’t happen until issues 51 and 52 of amazing spider man.

  55. One more thing: and to continue filling gaps, there are some sources that say that Spider-Man Fever (mini series 1 to 3), the Graphic Novel Spider-Man: Family Business, Astonishing Spider-Man & Wolverine (mini series 1 to 6) and the episode Wolverine: Weapon-X Vol.1 # 15 (with Spidey as special guest) fit, based on dates, just exactly between Amazing Spider-man 647 and 648. Is it confirmed?. Thank U so much, my friend, and sorry for the inconvenience…

  56. I think you have some of the Amazing Spider-Man Annuals out of place. For instance, the ASM 1996 Annual is smack dab in the middle of the 1997 issues in the reading order and the ASM 1997 annual is in the middle of 1998. Additionally, both Annuals reference events that happened the year prior.

  57. hey tower i was just reading from your list and i think i found a issue. is Sensational spiderman 25 he is wearing the iron spidey suit. Before he gets it in asm 529. I think SSM should be placed after it.

  58. Although I have been looking around here about the special episodes of the 50th anniversary (Sensational Spider-Man # 33.1 – # 33.2, Peter Parker: Spider-Man # 156.1 and Web Of Spider-Man # 129.1 – # 129.2, the truth is I have not it found.

    So I tried to create my own reading order for them, and after much searching and digging, I have done it (so I think).

    Here you have the link where I’ve posted, so you can reference both users and the moderator of this site if you want to include in his wonderful list.

    The site is in Spanish language, but have instant translator

    Here is the link:

    This page has been my bible for a year. January 2015 I started with Amazing Fantasy 15 with the intention of catching up to current comics in 1 year. This I have done thanks to you.
    I do wish this would have brought me up to Secret Wars, but I was able to cobble together the missing year or so of issues from other sites. I’d love tee this list run up to Secret Wars. I think it could be “finished” then.

    If you’re looking for a new project, how about a full list of the All New, All Different Marvel? Since post secret wars is a fresh start, a new list would be the best!

    Thanks again!

  60. Awesome! Simply awesome! I can’t even imagine the trouble you had to create this (even though, when we do it for fun, it’s no “trouble” at all). Thank you very much, and I hope this could be updated soon…

  61. i can’t seem to figure out how to print this article/list. i need a hard copy so i can check off the ones i have and have a reference to the ones i still need. can you provide this page for printing? perhaps return it to me in an email. i am not a computer whiz. thank for any help you can provide.

  62. Avengers Vol. 4 is missing and New Avengers vol 2 #1-23 and #29-34 are missing in this list , does anyone know where they fit in issue wise

  63. Wow, stunned by this amazing job. Thank you very much for the hard work! I know maybe it’s a little much to ask for but, I’ve noticed that you said you were going to do more updates. If you have the time could you please please put the comics that are lacking? Thank you very much again!

  64. Great list, it really was indispensable when organizing/reading my Spider-Man collection.

    One correction I might suggest. The Spectacular Spider-Man story “The Child Within” (178-185) should take place before the Web of Spider-Man story “The Name of The Rose” (84-89). In Web #87, Peter initially mistakes Demogoblin’s silhouette for The Green Goblin, saying, “Harry! At last!” before realizing his error. This implies the story takes place after “The Child Within” where Harry disappears.

    Keep up the great work!

  65. dude, thanks primarily to your reading order since Jan 2015 I started with amazing fantasy 15 and am now bang up to date with the exception of Civil War II. Thanks man, your work here has been much appreciated

  66. Hey! Still stands on the updates project??? We know it’s a hard job, but many expect it impatient. I hope it does not take much longer, and as, thanks for your work and time. Regards!!!

  67. I check the site every week or so to see if the updates have been added. I know many many friends that check all the time as well. I so appreciate the hard work and dedication that you have put into this.

  68. Love this! Is it still being updated? Would you want to add Tales to Astonish #57? It would have taken place early on around Amazing Spiderman #14. Giant Man and Wasp take on Spiderman!

  69. Hi.

    I’m working on my own list for some time now.
    This would be my addition to the end of the list. There is still a lot of stuff missing especially from the end, the order still can be improved and the naming convention is a bit different, but I hope it helps some of you looking for the rest of the list.

    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #2
    Amazing X-Men 2nd series #7
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #3
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #1.1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #1.2
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #1.3
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #1.4
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #1.5
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #4
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #5
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #6
    Amazing Spider-Man Special #1
    Inhuman Special #1
    All-New Captain America Special #1
    Amazing Spider-Man Annual 3rd series #1
    Superior Spider-Man #32
    Edge of Spider-Verse #1
    Edge of Spider-Verse #2
    Superior Spider-Man #33
    Edge of Spider-Verse #3
    Edge of Spider-Verse #4
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #7
    Edge of Spider-Verse #5
    Spider-Man 2099 2nd series #5
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #8
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #9
    Spider-Verse Team-Up #1
    Spider-Verse #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #10
    Spider-Woman 5th series #1
    Scarlet Spiders #1
    Spider-Man 2099 2nd series #6
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #11
    Spider-Verse Team-Up #2
    Scarlet Spiders #2
    Spider-Woman 5th series #2
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #12
    Spider-Man 2099 2nd series #7
    Spider-Verse #2
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #13
    Scarlet Spiders #3
    Spider-Woman 5th series #3
    Spider-Verse Team-Up #3
    Spider-Man 2099 2nd series #8
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #14
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #15
    Spider-Man and the X-Men #1
    Spider-Man and the X-Men #2
    Spider-Man and the X-Men #3
    Spider-Man and the X-Men #4
    Spider-Man and the X-Men #5
    Spider-Man and the X-Men #6
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #16
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #17
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #18
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #16.1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #17.1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #18.1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #19.1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2014 3rd Series) #20.1


    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #1
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #2
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #3
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #4
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #5
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #6
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #7
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #8
    Secret Wars (2015 3rd Series) #9

    Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows (2015) #1
    Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows (2015) #2
    Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows (2015) #3
    Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows (2015) #4
    Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows (2015) #5

    Spider Island (2015) #1
    Spider Island (2015) #2
    Spider Island (2015) #3
    Spider Island (2015) #4
    Spider Island (2015) #5

    Spider-Verse (2015 second series) #1
    Spider-Verse (2015 second series) #2
    Spider-Verse (2015 second series) #3
    Spider-Verse (2015 second series) #4
    Spider-Verse (2015 second series) #5

    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #2
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #3
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #4
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #5
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1.1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1.2
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1.3
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1.4
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1.5
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #1.6
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #6
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #7
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #8
    Spider-Man Deadpool #1
    Spider-Man Deadpool #2
    Spider-Man Deadpool #3
    Spider-Man Deadpool #4
    Spider-Man Deadpool #5
    Spider-Man Deadpool #6
    Spider-Man Deadpool #7
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #9
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #10
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #11
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #12
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #13
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #14
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #15
    Civil War II #0
    Civil War II #1
    Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #1
    Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #2
    Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #3
    Civil War II Amazing Spider-Man #4
    Civil War II #2
    Civil War II #3
    Civil War II #4
    Civil War II #5
    Civil War II #6
    Civil War II #7
    Civil War II #8
    Spider-Man Deadpool #8
    Spider-Man Deadpool #9
    Spider-Man Deadpool #10
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #16
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #17
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #18
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #19
    Clone Conspiracy #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #20
    Prowler #1
    Clone Conspiracy #2
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #21
    Silk 2nd series #14
    Prowler #2
    Clone Conspiracy #3
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #22
    Silk 2nd series #15
    Prowler #3
    Clone Conspiracy #4
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #23
    Silk 2nd series #16
    Prowler #4
    Clone Conspiracy #5
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #24
    Silk 2nd series #17
    Prowler #5
    Clone Conspiracy Omega #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #25
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #26
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #27
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #28
    Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #1
    Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man (2017) #2


    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #29
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #30
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #31
    Amazing Spider-Man (2015 4th Series) #32
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #789
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #790
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #791
    Amazing Spider-Man and Venom: Venom Inc Alpha #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #792
    Venom (2017) #159
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #793
    Venom (2017) #160
    Amazing Spider-Man and Venom: Venom Inc Omega #1
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #794
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #795
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) Annual #42
    Amazing Spider-Man (2017 5th Series) #796

  70. Thanks for the great list! I’ve been re-ordering all of my Spider-man comics into story-chronological order, so this has been a great help. And I was so glad to see the recent update—I couldn’t find any other source for placement of some of the newer comics.

  71. I don’t know if anyone still looks at or updates this list, but I’ve been trying to fit in some missing issues lately. One I just found was that New Avengers (1st series) Annual #2 follows New Avengers #37.

  72. Hi, dudes:

    I was wondering if somebody could situate in the right place The Sensational Spider-Man: Self Improvement, and The Amazing Spider-Man: Going Big (and the short stories they contain), both related to the 80th anniversary from Marvel. The truth is that I am unable to place them in the right place.

    Thanks in advance for your great help !!!

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